lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Final project and final reflection!!

Well, our project it's about Solar Solutions, solutions that will help to make of the earth a better, healthy, clean and happy place to live. Showing up all the ways you can do a REAL USE of the energy from the Universe King, THE SUN!!

Through all the activities made on this level, i had the chance to meet students from other countries using blogger and the katamy experience, (something that was very fun and interesting and i will continue using it!!) which helped me to improve in large quantities, my english, plus that i learned to share all my experiences, knowledge and part of my life with my fellow students of urbe and the rest of the world. Also improving verbal and structural knowledge and practice of reading in english. Plus to know more about toefl tests, thing that's very important for my present future!! and well this is how it ends my english studies at urbe!! =) peace and all the best for everyone!!

Solar Solutions

Well people!! this is my solution of our project SOLAR SOLUTIONS!! see my presentation!! and learn about SOLAR CELLS!!

Alsooooo here is a cool video about solar energy!! enjoy =D

solar energy solar solutions VIDEO VIDEO

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Job interviews!!

Hey guys!! whats up? well i found this interesting and usefull guide!! "How to Handle Your Job Interviews Successfull" take your time and read it =) you will learn a lot!! enjoy!! peace!!

Presenting Yourself Successfully - Before, During & After Your Job Interview

Before Your Job Interview:

  • Learn all you can about the company or organization; learn as much as you can so that your questions are sophisticated and knowledgeable during the interview. Employers expect you to arrive knowing background information about the organization. If you don't, you look like you're not really interested in the job. You have to be able to answer the critical question of why you would like to work for that employer — and not sound like you would take any job. Research helps you formulate intelligent and appropriate questions to ask in your interview.

  • Be prepared to answer and ask questions.

  • Prepare your clothes for your interview, making sure they are business-like, clean, pressed and conservative; make sure your hair and nails trimmed and clean. Your attire should be noticed as being appropriate and well-fitting, but it should not take center stage. When in doubt, always dress more professionally rather than more casually. Dressing nicely and appropriately is a compliment to the person you meet, so if in doubt, err on the side of dressing better than you might need to. A two-piece matched suit is always the best choice for both men and women, in navy, gray or black.

  • Prepare papers for your interview, including extra copies of your resume, job reference lists, reference letters, legal pad for taking notes, and any other information that you may wish to have with you.

During Your Job Interview:

  • Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. Don't take any chances that you might be even one minute late. If necessary, arrive 30 minutes early and wait in your car.

  • Treat all people you encounter with professionalism and kindness. That receptionist or secretary or maintenance man may offer his or her opinion of you to the boss. It will count.

  • Don’t let the employer’s casual approach cause you to drop your manners or professionalism. You should maintain a professional image. Don't address the interviewer by his or her first name unless you are invited to.

  • Don't chew gum or smell like smoke. Don't take cell phone calls during an interview. If you carry a cell phone, turn it off during the interview to be sure it doesn't ring.

  • Don't ever interrupt the interviewer, even if you are anxious and enthusiastic about answering the question.

  • Be aware of your non-verbal behaviors - sit straight, smile as often as you can, maintain eye contact but don't stare the interviewer down, lean forward but not invading the interviewer's space. Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching.

  • Don't be shy or self-effacing. You want to be enthusiastic, confident and energetic, but not aggressive, pushy or egotistic. That fine line is important. If you find yourself trying to hard to sell yourself, you are probably crossing the line. Instead, pull back, be confident and reassuring and calm.

  • Don't make negative comments about previous employers or professors (or others).

  • Listen very carefully to each question you are asked and give thoughtful, to-the-point and honest answers. Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question. It is OK to take a few moments of silence to gather your thoughts before answering. Try not to "beat around the bush" or take a long time to give the answer the interviewer is seeking.

  • Make sure you understand the employer's next step in the hiring process; know when and from whom you should expect to hear next. Know what action you are expected to take next, if any. Always thank the interviewer for his or her time at the close of the interview and establish a follow-up plan.

  • When the interviewer concludes the interview, offer a firm handshake and make eye contact. Depart gracefully.

After the Interview:

  • After the interview, make notes right away so you don't forget critical details.

  • If you are working with a search firm or recruiter, call that recruiter immediately while the facts of the interview are fresh on your mind. The recruiter will want to know what you thought went well and what you may have concerns about.

  • Always send a thank you letter to the interviewer immediately. If there were several people that interviewed you, send them each a thank you note. It is good to keep the letter short but to also reiterate your interest in the position and your confidence in your qualifications.

  • Don't call the employer back immediately. If the employer said they would have a decision in a week, it is OK to call them in a week, again to thank them for the interview and reiterate your interest.

  • If you receive word that another candidate was chosen, you may also send a follow-up letter to that employer, again thanking him or her for the opportunity to interview for the position. Let them know that should another or similar position open in the future, you would love to have the opportunity to interview again.

Handling a Meal Successfully During Your Job Interview

A meal can be very important to your job search success! Most employers have busy schedules and will arrange interviews during meal times. Sometimes, an applicant may share breakfast with one group, lunch with another and still another for dinner. All the while, the applicant is expected to answer questions well while the interviewers eat. You could be critically scrutinized on your table manners and conduct in addition to your answers to the interview questions.

Employers may want to see you in a more social situation to see how you conduct yourself, particularly if the job for which you are interviewing requires a certain standard of conduct with clients and superiors. Many times, meals are the only time that certain groups of workers can find to assemble together for an interview.

Tips for Interview Dining Etiquette: Follow the lead of your host or hostess. You should wait for your interviewer to ask you to sit down before taking your seat. If he/she doesn't ask you to sit, wait for him/her to be seated, then sit. During the meal, sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor or cross your legs at the ankle. Crossing your legs during the meal can cause you to slouch, and looks too casual. As soon as everyone is seated, unfold your napkin and place it across your lap, folded, with the fold toward you. Do this discreetly.

If you need to leave the table, place your napkin on your chair, folded loosely. Only after the meal is over should you place your napkin on the table to the left side of your plate (never on your plate!). You should not push your chair back and cross your legs until the meal is completely finished.

What to Eat & Drink During Interviews: Here are some general tips on what to order. Let your interviewer order first and order a meal for yourself that is less expensive than his or hers. Pick a meal that is small and easy to eat. Try to steer away from sandwiches, shellfish, spaghetti, pizza or any other foods that are messy and may require a lot of handling.

You want to eat quickly so that you can focus on your interviewer and answering questions. It is a good idea to drink water, tea or juice, steering away from alcohol, even if your interviewer has ordered alcohol. Even if the food you are served is not cooked correctly or not to your liking, never criticize or state a dislike for a food that is served to you. You could be evaluated for your grace in such situations.

How to Eat During Interviews: Take small bites so that you can quickly finish chewing before speaking. Never speak with food in your mouth! You may not have much time to eat if you are being asked a lot of questions; remember that the main point of the meal is to interact and eating is secondary.

Unless you are eating a sandwich (try not to order a sandwich), you should keep your left hand in your lap and bring it only to the table when operating a fork and knife together. Never rest your arms on the table.

More Tips for your Interview Meal: Remember the purpose of the meal. While the interviewer may engage in more casual conversation during a meal, remember that this is still an interview. You will be evaluated on this meeting. Be prepared at any moment for the interviewer to ask serious questions - you will want to be as thoughtful and concise in your answers at a meal as you would sitting in front of the interviewer's desk.

Typically in an interview, you are the guest and so the meal is paid for by the company. Your host will most likely pick up the check so you won't have to deal with it. Remember to thank your host for the meal at its conclusion. A thank you note will be a nice touch as well.

Successfully Answer Traditional Questions in Your Job Interview

During an employment interview, the interviewer meets with potential employees to evaluate their skills, capabilities, and levels of experience.

When, as a prospective employee, you find yourself sitting in the hot seat, keep in mind that while there are no standard responses, your replies should be clear and relevant. Stopping in silence to gather your thoughts is not only helpful but wise.

To answer questions with poise, try to remember these tips:

  • Listen carefully. If you feel the question is unclear, ask politely for clarification.

  • Pause before answering to consider all facts that may substantiate your response.

  • Always offer positive information; avoid negativity at all times.

  • Get directly to the point. Ask if listener would like you to go into great detail before you do.

  • Discuss only the facts needed to respond to the question.

  • Focus and re-focus attention on your successes. Remember, the goal is not to have the right answers so much as it is to convince the interviewer that you are the right person.

  • Be truthful, but try not to offer unsolicited information.

  • Try not to open yourself to areas of questioning that could pose difficulties for you.

Every confident job hunter would like to think that "winging it" during an interview is the best policy, perhaps the most natural. However, we recommend that you do take some time to think through your answers to some common interview questions. Taking that time to formulate your answers and solidify your thoughts will give you more poise and security during the actual interview.

What would be your answers to these questions?

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • If you could have your choice of any job, what would it be and why?

  • Why do you want to go into this field?

  • What are your short- and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

  • What does success mean to you? How do you measure it?

  • What motivates you?

  • Do you plan to further your education? If so, to what extent?

  • What have you done to improve yourself during the past year?

  • If you could relive the last 15 years, what changes would you make?

  • Tell me about your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment?

  • What are some of your weaknesses?

  • Tell me about the best and worst bosses you've ever had.

  • How do you handle your reaction when you don't get what you want? Give me a couple of examples.

  • How do you handle stress?

  • How do you pull a team together when it seems to be going nowhere?

  • What qualities do you prize the most in those that report directly to you?

  • What type of people do you have the most trouble getting along with in the workplace, and, how do you handle it?

  • What constructive criticism have you received from employers?

  • Everybody has pet peeves. What are yours?

  • What else do you think I should know about you?

The interviewer will also want to learn about your experience and your reasons for seeking a new position and may ask the following questions:

  • When did you leave your last job and why?

  • How long have you been out of work?

  • At your last job, how much of the work did you perform independently?

  • What did you like most and least about your last job?

  • What are some of the problems you have encountered in your past jobs?

  • How did you solve the problems?

  • Do you prefer working independently or as part of a team?

  • At your last job, how much was performed by a team?

  • What prevented you from advancing in your former positions?

  • What have you been doing since you left your last job?

To learn about your plans for the future and your motivation for applying for the job, the interviewer may ask the following questions:

  • Why do you want to work here?

  • What do you expect to experience in this job that you did not experience in your past jobs?

  • How do you feel about evening work? Weekend work? Carrying a pager? Being on call?

  • Assuming we make you an offer, what do you see as your future here?

  • Why should we hire you?

  • Are you considering other positions at this time?

  • How does this job compare with them?

  • If you feel you have any weaknesses with regard to this job, what would they be?

  • What is your leadership style? Please give examples of this style in a real situation.

  • How do you feel about relocating?

  • What could you contribute to our facility?

Sometimes the interviewer will ask vague questions that, if unexpected, may be difficult to answer. Be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • Tell me about yourself.

  • What weaknesses in your work habits do you think you need most to work on?

  • Why should I hire you?

  • Why do you believe that you are the best candidate for this job?

  • Why are you applying for a position for which you are obviously overqualified?

  • Why are you applying for a position for which you are obviously underqualified?

  • Why do you believe that you could handle this position?

  • Since you are overqualified for this position, what do you hope to gain from it?

  • What can you do for me?

  • You don't have the necessary experience or background for this position, so why would my organization benefit from having you in this role?

  • How soon would you be able to start this position if we offer it to you?

Eventually, money will become an issue. Among the questions that may arise pertaining to compensation are the following:

  • What exactly were you paid at your last job? (tell the absolute truth here; no other answer is appropriate)

  • What is the minimum salary you will accept?

  • What salary range are you wishing to be considered for?

  • What are your financial needs?

Successfully Answer Behavioral Questions in Your Job Interview

Always prepare questions to ask. Having no questions prepared sends the message that you have not been thinking about the job. Avoid asking questions that are clearly answered on the employer's web site and/or in any literature provided by the employer to you in advance. This would simply reveal that you did not prepare for the interview, and you are wasting the employer's time by asking these questions. Never ask about salary and benefits issues until those subjects are raised by the employer.

Remember that an interview is a two-way conversation. For you, the interview has three purposes, in the following order of importance:

  • One, to sell yourself,

  • Two, to evaluate the position, and,

  • Three, get their commitment for (or at least establish their desire for) the next step in the process (whatever it is)

After asking questions, the interviewer usually invites you to ask questions. By asking informed questions, such as the following, you not only gain knowledge about the potential employer, but you also make a good impression:

  • What is the size of the division, sales volume, earnings?

  • Does the company plan to expand? What are the company's strengths and weaknesses compared to its competition?

  • What are the significant trends in the industry?

  • Could you explain your organizational structure?

  • Can you discuss your take on the company’s corporate culture? What are the company’s values?

  • How would you characterize the management philosophy of this organization?

  • Are any acquisitions, divestitures, or proxy fights on the horizon?

  • What do you think is the greatest opportunity facing the organization in the near future? The biggest threat?

  • How will my leadership responsibilities and performance be measured? And by whom? How often?

  • Would there be opportunities for advancement, and, how long before I might be considered for one?

  • What qualities do you prize the most in those that report directly to you?

  • How does the organization rank within its field?

  • What is the reputation of the department (or facility) to which I am applying?

  • How is this department (or facility) perceived within the organization (or corporation)?

  • What have been its goals in the last year, and, did it meet them?

  • What would be the goals of the department (or facility) in the coming year?

  • Do you think those are aggressive or conservative goals? Who set them?

  • What problems or difficulties are present in the department (or facility) now?

  • What are the most important problems to solve first?

  • What will be the greatest challenge in the job?

  • What are the greatest strengths of this department and company?

  • What would you expect me to accomplish in this job?

  • What is your management style?

  • How often would we meet together?

  • What responsibilities have the highest priority?

  • Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position?

  • How might these responsibilities and priorities change?

  • How much time should be devoted to each area of responsibility?

  • What qualifications are you looking for in the person who fills this job?

  • What are some examples of the achievements of others who have been in this position?

  • How many people have held this job in the last five years? Where are they now?

  • Why isn't this job being filled from within?

  • What is the history of this position?

  • What are the traits and skills of people who are the most successful within the organization?

  • If this position is offered to me, why should I accept it?

  • Why did you come to work here? What keeps you here?

  • What do you see in my personality, work history or skill set that attracts you to me?

  • How soon do you expect to make a decision?

  • If I am offered the position, how soon will you need my response?

When the position involves management of other employees, you may also wish to ask some of these questions:

  • How much authority will I have in running the department (or facility)

  • Are there any difficult personalities on the staff?

  • Have you already identified staff or staffs that should be let go or transferred?

  • Have you already identified staff members that are stars and are in line for promotion?

  • How many employees would I supervise?

  • What condition is morale in, and why?

  • May I see an organizational chart?

Finally, you may want to discuss issues of compensation. Following are some suggestions for questions pertaining to salary and benefits packages:

  • What are the benefits and perks?

  • What is the salary range?

  • What is my earnings potential in 1, 3, 5, and 10 years?

If commissions are involved, ask about the median salary of a person holding a position comparable to that which you are seeking.

toefl test!! structure!!

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

toefl vocabulary part!!

there are a lot of extrange words in there o.O well i did what i could!!

Toefl test=)

well!! this is the reading part of my toefl test =) i'm not that bad i think hahahah

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

My dream Job!!

Hey people! whats up? well, i found this job on a world leader in high-quality solar power technology company, it's a wonderful job because it's associated with my field!! the automation!! also the most important and amazing part of this job is that i can help to make the world a better place doing a better use of the solar energy!!

Automation Engineer (BHN)

Title: Automation Engineer – Module (Back Half Nights)

Location: Hillsboro, OR (97124)

Travel: 10-25% domestic and international. Travel will be 50% during the first 4-6 months.

Shift: Back-Half Nights shift (Wednesday through Friday and every other Saturday from approximately 6:30pm to 6:45am).

The Opportunity

Do you want to save the world? You can be a hero by joining one of the world’s leading solar photovoltaic (PV) companies! At SolarWorld, you will have the opportunity to help develop one of the world’s cleanest and most environmentally-responsible forms of sustainable energy production.

We are looking for everyday hero’s who are highly-motivated to grow North America’s largest Solar PV production capability under one company! If you are a proactive, entrepreneurial and enthusiastic about sustainable energy, we invite you to “Come Shine with Us!”

if you want to see more information about this awsome job go HERE

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

Finding a Job online!!

Well i found this job on an engineering and manufacturing company dedicated to providing complete solutions for any OEM's equipment for the global power generation, industrial, environmental, and waste-to-energy markets!! the experience required is of at least 2 years!! this could be a good job for my first years of experience on my field!! Skills required Instrumentation & Controls Engineer, PLC, DCS, Engineering, Power, Heat Exchangers, Moisture Separator Reheaters, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Boilers, Controls Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Senior I/C Controls Engineer.

Downey, CA;
Torrance, CA

$70,000 - $85,000

Bachelor of Science


Experience Required
At least 2 Years

Short Description
Instrumentation Controls Engineer - Electrical Engineer - Professional Engineer - I/C Engineer - DCS

Required Skills
Instrumentation & Controls Engineer, PLC, DCS, Engineering, Power, Heat Exchangers, Moisture Separator Reheaters, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Boilers, Controls Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Senior I/C Controls Engineer

job link HERE

Verb tenses quiz 3

1. What do you do every day? I _____ every day.
eat an apple ... CORRECT
2. What did you do yesterday? I _____ yesterday.
ate an apple ... CORRECT
3. What will you do tomorrow? I _____ tomorrow.
will eat an apple ... CORRECT
4. What are you doing right now? I _____ right now.
am eating an apple ... CORRECT
5. What were you doing at this time yesterday? I _____ at this time yesterday.
was eating an apple ... CORRECT
6. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? I _____ at this time tomorrow.
will be eating an apple ... CORRECT
7. What have you done since you got up this morning? I _____ since I got up this morning.
have eaten an apple ... CORRECT
8. What had you done by the time you went to bed last night? I _____ by the time I went to bed last night.
had eaten an apple ... CORRECT
9. What will you have done by the time you go to bed tonight? I _____ by the time I go to bed tonight.
will have eaten an apple ... CORRECT
10. What are you doing? I _____.
am eating an apple ... CORRECT
11. How long have you been doing that? I _____ for five minutes.
have been eating an apple ... CORRECT
12. What were you doing before I walked into the classroom today? I _____ before you walked into the classroom today.
was eating an apple ... CORRECT
13. How long had you been doing that? I _____ for five minutes before you walked into the classroom today.
had been eating an apple ... CORRECT
14. What will you be doing before I walk into the classroom tomorrow? I _____ before you walk into the classroom tomorrow.
will be eating an apple ... CORRECT
15. How long will you have been doing that? I _____ for five minutes before you walk into the classroom tomorrow.
will have been eating an apple ... CORRECT

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Verb tenses quiz 2

1. What do you do every day? I _____ every day.
sing a song ... CORRECT
2. What did you do yesterday? I _____ yesterday.
sang a song ... CORRECT
3. What will you do tomorrow? I _____ tomorrow.
will sing a song ... CORRECT
4. What are you doing right now? I _____ right now.
am singing a song ... CORRECT
5. What were you doing at this time yesterday? I _____ at this time yesterday.
was singing a song ... CORRECT
6. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? I _____ at this time tomorrow.
will be singing a song ... CORRECT
7. What have you done every day this week? I _____ every day this week.
have sung a song ... CORRECT
8. What had you done before you went to bed last night? I _____ before I went to bed last night.
had sung a song ... CORRECT
9. What will you have done before you go to bed tonight? I _____ by the time I go to bed tonight.
will have sung a song ... CORRECT
10. What are you doing? I _____.
am singing a song ... CORRECT
11. How long have you been doing that? I _____ for five minutes.
have been singing a song ... CORRECT
12. What were you doing before you began this quiz? I _____ before I began this quiz.
was singing a song ... CORRECT
13. How long had you been doing that? I _____ for five minutes before I began this quiz.
had been singing a song ... CORRECT
14. What will you be doing before taking this quiz again tomorrow? I _____ before taking this quiz again tomorrow.
will be singing a song ... CORRECT
15. How long will you have been doing that? I _____ for five minutes (before I take this quiz tomorrow).
will have been singing a song ... CORRECT

Verb tenses quiz

1. What do you do every day? Answer: I _____ every day.
do a pushup ... CORRECT

2. What did you do yesterday? Answer: I _____ yesterday.
did a pushup ... CORRECT

3. What will you do tomorrow? Answer: I _____ tomorrow.
will do a pushup ... CORRECT

4. What are you doing right now? Answer: I _____ right now.
am doing a pushup ... CORRECT
5. What were you doing at this time yesterday? Answer: I _____ at this time yesterday.
was doing a pushup ... CORRECT

6. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? Answer: I _____ at this time tomorrow.
will be doing a pushup ... CORRECT

7. What have you done every day for the last week? Answer: I _____ every day for the last week.
have done a pushup ... CORRECT

8. What had you done before you went to bed last night? Answer: I _____ before I went to bed last night.
had done a pushup ... CORRECT

9. What will you have done before you go to bed tonight? Answer: I _____ by the time I go to bed tonight.
will have done a pushup ... CORRECT

10. What are you doing? Answer: I _____.
am doing a pushup ... CORRECT

11. How long have you been doing that? Answer: I _____ for ten seconds.
have been doing a pushup ... CORRECT
12. What were you doing before you started this quiz? Answer: I _____.
was doing a pushup ... CORRECT
13. How long had you been doing that? Answer: I _____ for ten seconds.
had been doing a pushup ... CORRECT

14. What will you be doing before you take this quiz again tomorrow? Answer: I _____ before I take this quiz again tomorrow.
will be doing a pushup ... CORRECT

15. How long will you have been doing that? Answer: I _____ for ten seconds (before I take this quiz again tomorrow).
will have been doing a pushup ... CORRECT

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Verb tense stuff =)

Directions: Practice this exercise with a partner. Take turns asking and answering each question.

What do you do every day?
I feed my fish every day
Simple Present

What did you do yesterday?
I fed my fish yesterday
Simple Past

What will you do tomorrow?
I will feed my fish tomorrow
Simple Future

What are you doing right now?
I am feeding my fish right now
Present Continous

What were you doing at this time yesterday?
I was feeding my fish at this time yesterday
Past Continous

What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?
I will be feeding my fish at this time tomorrow
Future Continous

What have you done since you got up this morning?
I have fed my fish since I got up this morning?
Present Perfect

What had you done before you went to bed last night?
I had fed my fish before I went to bed last night
Past Perfect

What will you have done before you go to bed tonight?
I will have fed my fish before I go to bed tonight
Future Perfect

What are you doing?
I am feeding my fish
Present Continous

How long have you been doing that?
I have been feeding my fish for five minutes
Future Perfect Continous

What were you doing before you started this quiz?
I was feeding my fish before I started this quiz
Past Continous

How long had you been doing that?
I had been feeding my fish for five minutes before I started this quiz
Past Perfect Continous

What will you be doing before you take this quiz tomorrow?
I will be feeding my fish before I take this quiz tomorrow
Future Continoua

How long will you have been doing that?
I will have been feeding my fish five minutes before I take this quiz tomorrow
Future Perfect Continous

Suffixes quiz certificates =)

I'm not that bad xD i think....

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

some Leadership stuff =)

How to Become a Real Leader

Are leaders only born, or can you become a real leader? History answers this question. You can become a leader, and even of a country. It's up to you. Here are the basics of how to become a real leader.

Check Yourself. Who are You?

To become a real leader, people would have to follow you. Why should they? Have you anywhere to lead them? Whether it be in your family, your work, an organization, wherever, you must check yourself to see "why would people wish to follow my leadership?"

This means, are you the role model or example people can relate to? No? If not, you must become so. Talking about what you can do, who you are, and so on will not make you a leader.

Becoming a Role Model

Nothing secret here. You are the master of your actions, and if you wish, you can become the perfect father, or employee, or employer, or member of an organization. People will notice. Are you the first to stand up for what you believe? Are you always present at important events? Is you working meaningful? People notice these things

You Change by Being a Role Model

Perhaps you were not the perfect father, employee and so on, but by working towards it, YOU CHANGE, it's inevitable. As you change, people notice.

What is a Leader?

The characteristics of a leader are too wide to describe here. Sometimes (and in primitive societies) leaders were simply the strongest of men. Over time and evolution, that changed. Leaders were often the wealthy, or even the crafty. People followed willingly, and often unwillingly. A real leader leads people willingly.

As the most basic example, as the leader of a family, your actions and words must always be the same. Do as you say and say as you do. You must always be there to support any of the others in the family situation. You must demonstrate your intentions that the family is the single most important thing in your life.

A leader has these qualities, and in the final analysis, people notice, people begin to follow. If you can lead a family, you can lead your workplace. If you can lead at your workplace, you can lead an organization. It follows, and in the end, you can lead a whole country. It's up to you, and the energy you are willing to put into it.

People are Following, Now What?

So you have become a leader. Your responsibilities have just increased. You are a role model and have now the power given to you by people who follow. They expect you will cover their needs, and lead them in the way of their obvious benefit. If you can do this, people will really follow, and you have become a real leader.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Engineer interview!!

Heey!! people!! well here is the interview, i made it to my sister Maria Gabriela Pacheco!! she's an agronomist engineer!! very good in her job and a very smart woman!! i'm really proud of her!!

Could you please define Engineering in your own words?
is the profession that applies knowledge, ingenuity and experience, so that by designs, patterns and techniques, problems that affect humanity can be solved

What influenced you to pursue Agronomic engineering?
the desire to acquire the necessary knowledge to know how to manage renewable natural resources in a rational way.

could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?

-obtaining great desire to be one of them
- obtaining of basic knowledge, provided by the general subjects
- obtaining of the knowledge, provided by the subjects of your particular field

What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?
-Mental dexterity
-Love for what you do.
- Passion for what you do
- Analytical reasoning
-Basic knowledge in math
-Desire of do something big for the world.

What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?
comfort, and daily development of my knowledge and skills

What's something of your school life that you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed everything, is a special time of your life, that you won't forget.

from your perspective, what is the most difficult part of being an engineering student?
knowing that each day we will be more difficult than the previous day, times when we must remind ourselves why we are doing this? why we are fighting for this goal?

What are your plans for the future?
continue giving the best of myself

Point out your most personally gratifying moment in Engineering school.
When i recieved my diploma and heard you did it!! be proud of yourself!!

Why would you recommend Engineering as a career?
because engineering is a really important profession, that let you create and provide daily solutions to humanity and feel a great inner satisfaction

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

Dictionary activity!!

Green Technology!!!!!

The term "technology" refers to the application of knowledge for practical purposes.

The field of "green technology" encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products.

The present expectation is that this field will bring innovation and changes in daily life of similar magnitude to the "information technology" explosion over the last two decades. In these early stages, it is impossible to predict what "green technology" may eventually encompass.

The goals that inform developments in this rapidly growing field include:

Sustainability - meeting the needs of society in ways that can continue indefinitely into the future without damaging or depleting natural resources. In short, meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

"Cradle to cradle" design - ending the "cradle to grave" cycle of manufactured products, by creating products that can be fully reclaimed or re-used.

Source reduction - reducing waste and pollution by changing patterns of production and consumption.

Innovation - developing alternatives to technologies - whether fossil fuel or chemical intensive agriculture - that have been demonstrated to damage health and the environment.

Viability - creating a center of economic activity around technologies and products that benefit the environment, speeding their implementation and creating new careers that truly protect the planet.


lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Never gonna be another blogger addict (:

What's up people!! well..... there's not much to say... i'm just a simple person, with a simple life to live... i love every thing that it has to be with MUSIC and ELECTRONICS....bands, instruments, songs... i'm a guitar player, singer and a composer... i think i´ll be just a temporal visitor on the "bloggers world".. just for english level 7 i think.. we'll see what happens.. live your own life... do what you like and love to do... believe in yourself =) rock on dudes!!