lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

some Leadership stuff =)

How to Become a Real Leader

Are leaders only born, or can you become a real leader? History answers this question. You can become a leader, and even of a country. It's up to you. Here are the basics of how to become a real leader.

Check Yourself. Who are You?

To become a real leader, people would have to follow you. Why should they? Have you anywhere to lead them? Whether it be in your family, your work, an organization, wherever, you must check yourself to see "why would people wish to follow my leadership?"

This means, are you the role model or example people can relate to? No? If not, you must become so. Talking about what you can do, who you are, and so on will not make you a leader.

Becoming a Role Model

Nothing secret here. You are the master of your actions, and if you wish, you can become the perfect father, or employee, or employer, or member of an organization. People will notice. Are you the first to stand up for what you believe? Are you always present at important events? Is you working meaningful? People notice these things

You Change by Being a Role Model

Perhaps you were not the perfect father, employee and so on, but by working towards it, YOU CHANGE, it's inevitable. As you change, people notice.

What is a Leader?

The characteristics of a leader are too wide to describe here. Sometimes (and in primitive societies) leaders were simply the strongest of men. Over time and evolution, that changed. Leaders were often the wealthy, or even the crafty. People followed willingly, and often unwillingly. A real leader leads people willingly.

As the most basic example, as the leader of a family, your actions and words must always be the same. Do as you say and say as you do. You must always be there to support any of the others in the family situation. You must demonstrate your intentions that the family is the single most important thing in your life.

A leader has these qualities, and in the final analysis, people notice, people begin to follow. If you can lead a family, you can lead your workplace. If you can lead at your workplace, you can lead an organization. It follows, and in the end, you can lead a whole country. It's up to you, and the energy you are willing to put into it.

People are Following, Now What?

So you have become a leader. Your responsibilities have just increased. You are a role model and have now the power given to you by people who follow. They expect you will cover their needs, and lead them in the way of their obvious benefit. If you can do this, people will really follow, and you have become a real leader.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Engineer interview!!

Heey!! people!! well here is the interview, i made it to my sister Maria Gabriela Pacheco!! she's an agronomist engineer!! very good in her job and a very smart woman!! i'm really proud of her!!

Could you please define Engineering in your own words?
is the profession that applies knowledge, ingenuity and experience, so that by designs, patterns and techniques, problems that affect humanity can be solved

What influenced you to pursue Agronomic engineering?
the desire to acquire the necessary knowledge to know how to manage renewable natural resources in a rational way.

could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?

-obtaining great desire to be one of them
- obtaining of basic knowledge, provided by the general subjects
- obtaining of the knowledge, provided by the subjects of your particular field

What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?
-Mental dexterity
-Love for what you do.
- Passion for what you do
- Analytical reasoning
-Basic knowledge in math
-Desire of do something big for the world.

What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?
comfort, and daily development of my knowledge and skills

What's something of your school life that you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed everything, is a special time of your life, that you won't forget.

from your perspective, what is the most difficult part of being an engineering student?
knowing that each day we will be more difficult than the previous day, times when we must remind ourselves why we are doing this? why we are fighting for this goal?

What are your plans for the future?
continue giving the best of myself

Point out your most personally gratifying moment in Engineering school.
When i recieved my diploma and heard you did it!! be proud of yourself!!

Why would you recommend Engineering as a career?
because engineering is a really important profession, that let you create and provide daily solutions to humanity and feel a great inner satisfaction

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

Dictionary activity!!

Green Technology!!!!!

The term "technology" refers to the application of knowledge for practical purposes.

The field of "green technology" encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products.

The present expectation is that this field will bring innovation and changes in daily life of similar magnitude to the "information technology" explosion over the last two decades. In these early stages, it is impossible to predict what "green technology" may eventually encompass.

The goals that inform developments in this rapidly growing field include:

Sustainability - meeting the needs of society in ways that can continue indefinitely into the future without damaging or depleting natural resources. In short, meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

"Cradle to cradle" design - ending the "cradle to grave" cycle of manufactured products, by creating products that can be fully reclaimed or re-used.

Source reduction - reducing waste and pollution by changing patterns of production and consumption.

Innovation - developing alternatives to technologies - whether fossil fuel or chemical intensive agriculture - that have been demonstrated to damage health and the environment.

Viability - creating a center of economic activity around technologies and products that benefit the environment, speeding their implementation and creating new careers that truly protect the planet.
